What did you do to your bike today???

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by Benn The Pig, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. dan.1moore1

    dan.1moore1 Senior Member

    Apr 27, 2011
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    High screens make a huge difference
  2. Chem600

    Chem600 Active Member

    Apr 23, 2011
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    Went for my first run out on the bike since fitting the pcIII + quickshifter. I love the way the bike is now, the quickshifter is the best MOD i have EVER done!
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  3. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    The high screens do make a lot of difference but until I try it out I won't know if it will be effective, it's one of those things you have to keep trying until you get the 'right' one.

    It's not so bad when I have my leathers on but the textiles are really taking it on the shoulders. It only happens at high speed but it actually 'vibrates' my shoulders. I hope it will look OK, I don't usually like the looks of a high screen but on this bike I want to have performance and rideability as the priority. The bling can come later on non performance related items.

    Managed to get the flipping bolt out of the hugger today Grrrrrrrr and so the new one has been fitted. It looks OK but is longer than the original one so it spoils the sports look a little. It was necessary though as I want to protect my new Ohlins rear shock and new exhaust which will both be fitted by 8 th March, can't wait.

    Next is the spraying of the silver mesh on the pillion cowl and seat, the hugger mesh covered well with the matt black spray and is an improvement over the silver.
  4. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Well BR ... the cast caliper will catch the spokes a little so they suggest taking a dremmel or bastard file to 'relieve' a little metal from the inside corners .

    Bugger that ehh! ... but no worries I have bought the HPK which is machined and should just fit straight in . We will see tomorrow if the weather holds ..........
  5. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    I tried several bikes with double bubble screens in an effort to to try and deflect turbulence at motorway speeds and found them all much of a muchness. I even dabbled with the idea of a touring screen but they're just too ugly. In the end I just bit the bullet and went for an MRA one. I figured that if it was true in their ads that they invented the idea they must know what they were doing.

    The difference in profile from the standard screen is minimal, perhaps 2" higher but with a squared off bubble. The difference is incredible. The wind is almost completely deflected over my helmet and just catches at my upper arms and elbows with no discomfort at all. The build quality is a match for the factory part, the plastic easily of the same grade. £70 with delivery.

    If the ZG doesn't work out for you mate I couldn't recommend the MRA more mate
  6. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Cheers for that kpone, I have had an MRA before and they are great quality. Most of the TT guys seem to use high screens, I just could not look at my bike if it had one as big as McGuiness's screen, but they are supposed to be very effective. Skidmarx might be another option, their Double Bubble has a distinct point at the front which allegedly splits the air and pushes it around the rider as well as upwards. Could be just the usual sales pitch but it does seem slightly different from some of the others.
  7. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I have seen on the new race bikes they have drilled a series of holes from the upper part of the fairing in an arc through the screen .

    I was thinking of giving that a try myself to see the effect .
  8. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Yeah I noticed that last season, you go first then Nutty and then you can tell us the result. It must create some interesting air movements.
  9. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Will do ... I have a new Honda high screen waiting in the wings to replace the scratched one thats on there now .

    If it works better on the one fitted now ... I will do the new one
  10. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Is there any info which tells you exactly what it does and how many holes, what diameter, spacing and location Nutty ?
  11. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    No mate .. I assume it balances the air pressure difference and smooths the air flow .

    I will find another pic and copy the pattern and guess the size .... shouldn't be too hard
  12. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Sounds about right, I wonder if the air that passes through the screen follows the inside of the screen lines rather than onto the rider ? Please let me know how you get on with it Nutty.
  13. Bats

    Bats Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Well today on mine i removed the tail fairing removed me old charger wire fitted my new charger wire and relocated the pcv to create more room :)

    I also snook out for 8 miles on new suspension what a difference :)
    #193 Bats, Jan 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  14. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Well done Bats .... I didn't even get the new caliper on ... damn rain all day :mad:
  15. zeepony

    zeepony Active Member

    Mar 14, 2011
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    Today, still struggling on with removing the Chinese fairings and trying to remember how the OE stuff fits!

    I know the cheap fairings were shoddy, but when pulling the bike apart, you can see it has nothing on the OE parts. So many luggs and clips broken - its crumbling away!

    Just the easy bits left now, tail and tank :)

    I missed that orange bad boy!
  16. Nutty Tart

    Nutty Tart Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Well it is possible that the air holes act the other way around and draw the air out . As the air passes over the outside of the screen it would reduce the air pressure .. bit like an aeroplane wing
    the air behind the screen would be sucked through . Is it possible that the holes are there to reduce lift ???

    Ken ... are you out there ... what's your opinion ??
    #196 Nutty Tart, Jan 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  17. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Nutty you are far too smart for me, I bet you have an encyclopaedia as well as that dictionary ...............no wonder you can't get enough ;)
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  18. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I hear Ken knows a lot about wind ;)
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  19. kpone

    kpone Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    The girl's not wrong. Moving air has less pressure so the dead air behind the fairing gets blown out into the partial vacuum. If the aerodynamics are clever enough I don't see why it can't contribute to downforce on the front of the bike. Not by a massive amount but the championship was decided by 6000/ths of a second last year.

    There's also a thing known as boundary layer effect, a layer of air perhaps even just a few molecules thick that clings to the surface of the fairing in the slipstream and causes drag. It's why jet fighter bodies have a coke bottle shape. It disrupts the boundary layer and the aerodynamic advantage is massive. That's why a lot of '60's and '70's fighters had their air intakes separated from the fuselage by a few inches. It was that important to performance to keep them away from the boundary layer.

    In order to improve the lifting capabilities of some highly loaded wing designs the flaps are 'blown'. Covered in hundreds of tiny holes through which diverted air from the engines is blown into the boundary layer to disrupt it and aid short run take off.

    Sound familiar.

    Those small winglets now fitted to all airliners stop the boundary layer migrating off the tips of the wings and forming wing tip vortices that kill lift, increasing a wings efficiency by up to 30% on long hauls.

    Aerodynamics eh, not just swoopy lines and suit humps.
    #199 kpone, Jan 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
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  20. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I am very impressed kpone and I am not taking the p. It's one of the benefits of this board, there is always something new to learn. Thanks.

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