It does look neat Johnny. The frame integrates well with the bikes subframe. Do you feel much buffet at motorway speeds?
Not at all Ken, it really is that good. Well into three figures, not over here of course officer, stable as you like.
Interesting. I can't get on with tank bags, they make cornering uncomfortable, or at least they did on the Ducati, and I've tried loads of rucksacks but the decent size ones feel restrictive and I've never felt comfortable with the idea of coming off wearing one. I'd like to use the bike more for work but have to carry the odd bit of kit with me. Not bulky stuff, but nothing that'll fit in the blades boot.
I'm the same Ken, hate rucksacks and tank bags. There are a number of options with Ventura if you don't need the big bag, they do a Sport Rack and an 'every day' bag that fits on it, or you could do as I do for smaller stuff and get one of their excellent Seat Bags which clip onto a 'Seat Bra'. You obviously need the Pillion Seat on to accommodate that though. I use one and it's great kit.
Difficult to get something that will take a week's worth of luggage that would have anyone saying 'wow, that looks stunning'. Function over form mate I suppose.
You are right because there is no other option which is looking better on a Fireblade as far as I know. The system looks solid an function, no question about it. In my opinion you only can use it if you are on a long trip, not as an permanent option. It takes away the sporty Fireblade purpose.
It isn't a permanent attachment, only on for my touring. Brackets also are removed, takes a couple of minutes, and as I said, much easier than on my Gixer.
OK I see ! It's a good solution as I can see and in fact it does look solid and won't fall off even if you are on high speed.
Took mine out for a blast, roads damp for most of the ride and then it chucked it down ! Got soaked and then the big bike clean up. It was worth it though. Had to make it up to the bike after getting her I have ordered some flush mount front indicators from Watsen Design in Canada. It should cheer her up, may take six weeks to arrive though.
Fitted another wiring loom to the RRW today, to try and cure the misfire that happens at 8K. Now it still misfires but will struggle through to the red line, so fitting another wiring loom has made it a bit better!!?. The wife has told me if i can't get it sorted soon, ive got to strip it, sell it off in bits, and buy another one. Not too bad i hear you cry, but i've had my blade for 7 years now and i've done more work on it than any bike i've had before, i love it dearly but if i cant sort it soon, i'm going to strip it and sell it off. See if i can get a 954, i'll teach her to say i can have another bike.
Art everyone kept saying the bike looks tiny under me but I didn't get it Then I saw this pic lol! Jim I'll pop out occasionally on it but not vey often lol Shame you missed it bud
Yeah gutted too - I'll be on one soon, can't wait... Glad you enjoyed it mate, such a great thing doing it for the first time.
Yeah but in hind sight a smaller less technical track may have been better just because their was so much to learn on top of the fact it was a totally new bike and never been on track before! Still amazing though!