What fast road -trackday tyres ?

Discussion in 'Mods, Upgrades, Accessories and Products' started by Remal, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. blade1980

    blade1980 Active Member

    Apr 2, 2011
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    I have sportsmarts and run 34f and 38r with no problems
  2. doggs

    doggs New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    manufacturers quote a general one rule fits all tyre pressure.they have to work in hot/cold weather - one or two up - on motorways and twisty roads. so yes you can probably get a bit more grip for solo riding by dropping a couple of psi. i use 34/38 on pielli rosso corsas.but dont be tempted to go as low as trackday pressures ie low 30s because on the road you cannot generate the required loading to run this low.also in cold wet weather you may want to go back to standard pressures as this ensures the tread remains open to ensure the best water removal.when all said and done its how the tyres feel to you ,if you are happy at 36/42 there is no reason to change.hope this helps
  3. Sossige

    Sossige Active Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Might be of interest to people before the links die, get overwritten and old - but Fast Bikes magazine have a whole load of their most recent tyre tests available for free download on their website Fast Bikes Magazine | Motorbikes, Sportsbikes, Superbikes. Make sure you click back to 'older posts' to get them all. :)
  4. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    I had new tyres fitted Thursday so thought I would give a quick review after the first 100 miles.

    I bought a pair of Bridgestone Battlax S20 Pro's 55 profile, (I have been running Pirelli Supercorsa BSB's.)

    Had to ride home in the rain, so took it easy but they seemed very stable. Forty miles on A and B roads with a fair bit of mud on them in places.

    There is much more tread on them in the centre of the tyre than the BSB's which was one of the reasons I went for them. The tread is quite deep and runs quite close to the edges. Although the BSB's were Ok in the wet, they did not inspire me with confidence as the middle of the tyre is a bit similar to a slick. The S20 is supposed to have been developed to create better grip in the wet after the BT016's received negative reports in the wet.

    The first 20 miles today was taken up by scrubbing them in a bit, on dry roads with a bit of sun ! shock. My nearest roundabouts are 6 miles from me and it was far too busy to scrub the sides in like I usually do ( and make myself dizzy) so I went to some twisty sections.

    New tyres always feel better to me after worn tyres so there is often a sense of ' these are better' right away. After the 20 miles I started to put them through their paces and the first two things I noticed were the way the rear seemed to dig into the road under harsh acceleration. I tried several quick accelerations and have to say the tyres really grip well. The front also gripped nicely under firm braking , again feeling as though it was really digging into the road.

    The second thing was the ease with which they tipped in and out of bends, very controlled a stable inspiring masses of confidence, even on my less favoured right hand bends. They tipped in quicker than the BSB's did when they were new and they were good. Having been converted to the 55 profile before I was surprised at just how fast these tip in, but it felt so easy and I never once felt as though I was not in full control of the lean. Bear in mind though that I was not taking them to the edge.

    So after a 100 miles, not far I know, but I am very happy with them. My front suspension has been upgraded and I have Ohlins rear, so my set up is different from stock and other upgraded bikes. All I can say is they work incredibly well on my bike with my riding style.

    How much wear I get doesn't bother me too much, but I am hopeful it will be more than the BSB's which lasted less than 2k, which I know is not too bad. At least I can ride more safely in the wet and let's face it, in this country that is a bonus......maybe full wets next year !
  5. Chillipepper83

    Chillipepper83 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Pirelli Rosso Corsa's - nuff said !
  6. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Only my opinion but I wouldn't touch S20's with a barge pole! You'll be lucky if you get more mileage than your Supercorsa's! Heard and seen for myself too many bad reports on these tyres, just ask Jimbo Vills. He's a total convert to PR3's, gets loads more mileage and awesome grip in the wet! If you look through past posts you'll not see many folk raving about them. Reports of 1200/1500 miles are not uncommon, although they are very grippy for their short lifespan. I'd suggest PR3's or Metzeler M5's for extended mileage and loads of grip. Can't knock you for trying out different tyres though.
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  7. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Big fan of the M5 with a 55 profile. Roll on Wales in August!
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  8. thefirebloke

    thefirebloke Elite Member

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Exactly my point Lambeth, a good tyre will always have plenty of followers! :)
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  9. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Totally agree with your opinions Ex, I loved the s20's, awesome in the wet, brilliant in the dry, totally stable and fantastic all round tyre - far better than the sportsmarts which I rate too. Never cared about mileage either but 1200 out of a rear (60% in the wet) was just crazy!! Not even the money, but fitted on Thursday, off by Monday lol

    All depends on mileage you do I guess. And hope mine was a one off and you get more - be interested to find out what you get from it though?

    As Steve said, after touring and doing few laps of the ring at pretty decent pace, I honestly can't want any more from a road tyre than the PR3 - they are simply incredible. 3300 miles and I reckon the rear is good for another 2/3k.

    Other than a slightly longer warm up, I also don't think you loose ANY performance over a more sporty tyre.

    This is it after 3200 miles in 35 degrees and 'sending it on a bit' as phantom would say :)

    #269 Jimbo Vills, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2013
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  10. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Ps - the bike ain't been cleaned since the tour!

    Lambeth would love it!! Lol it's bogging
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  11. Ian E

    Ian E Active Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    That's great mileage - just put a pair of Pilot Power 3 on for a Europe tour - starting to think I would have been better off with Pilot Road 3 instead!
  12. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Hear, hear. I trust this forum's feedback more than I trust an ex-racer caning it round Portimao for an afternoon.

    It was nice to read that a magazine rated the M5 highly the other day. But the fact that I cant even remember which one it was says a lot!
  13. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    How many miles you doing mate? Would like to try them if the milage is good, be sure to let us know how you get on!!

    Giv had them in Scotland and rated them, withstood the sandpaper roads well too so should be ok.
  14. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Hahahahahaha! Love it. Put a pic up! I love a pic of a bike that's been 'sucking rabbits out the hedges' for days on end.

    The pics of the tt bikes after 6 laps or even better an endurance racer after 24 hours...dreamy!
  15. Jimbo Vills

    Jimbo Vills God Like

    Oct 7, 2011
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    Just for you... You sick twisted individual lol

    It's actually not too bad as it didn't rain in 9 days ha ha.

    Photo doesn't do the bugs justice. My lid is also pretty rank...

  16. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    55 or 50 profile, mate?

    ps Rode down to parents (Dorset) and back this week. My bike is hanging too. Insects, road spray...
  17. lambeth longshanks

    lambeth longshanks Active Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Flipping gorgeous, Jimbo!

    I'll put a pic up of mine tomorrow. Si and Freedom will do their nuts!
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  18. Pete H

    Pete H Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Get you Lambeth, picking up the lingo!

    One question though about 55 tyres, does it affect how the speedo reads changing the profile ?
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  19. Dave V

    Dave V Elite Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Only commenting from my own experience. At 100 (at the ring) my speedo was around 5mph too high compared to the nav's reported speed. My mates R1 (Russ not Jimbo) was further out and they come standard with 55's.

    Sure it was out before i switched to the 55 profile, how much I can't remember.
  20. exfire

    exfire Elite Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    @Jimbo Vills, eeeeeeeeeeeek 1200 miles. I might have to start riding slower....Nah.

    Will let you know what I get out of them. have to say though they feel great, but if I only get 1200 then they will not be going on again lol.

    I like to try different tyres out and although I don't doubt they have had some bad reviews I have read a large number of reviews where people rate them, but they might have been made by Bridgestone employees !. Time will tell and it might not be that long if the mileage is that low.

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