Me is just time and not having broken parts getting in the way lol . Hopefully 11th December both casts off and start a bit of exercise
gone from 100kg to 97 in a few weeks, 5 days a week at the gym, put on a bit of muscle as well, my johnson doesn't have a roof anymore, ok maybe only a small one now I am 6.2, so only really need too loose another 7-10kg ;-)……. Love getting more out of the house, less time to spend with the missus wingeing
I need to cut down on beer to loose weight and it's so hard. I don;t eat loads just enjoy a beer but well done on the weight loss Me today been stripping the rear of my kit car down. rear for a rear spray and new tank I am having made
the thing is, I don't drink that often, but when I do drink, I drink enough for 10 weeks I haven't touched alcohol or softdrinks for more than a month( stopped smoking on the 31st oct and said no drinking until 26st dec), been drinking water only, so pretty disappointed that I've only lost 3kg…. I'm happy I've lost some weigh, and also that I have managed to get my fat a*se out of the house and do something
Today I met givover , I told him what to do and he's lost loads of weight , No bread , no choc, no cheese , no pastry , and no bloody crisps , Morning , Cereal , Lunch , buy a tub of grapes , Tea , good meal , chicken , or pasta , Watch the weight fall off , even if its a couple of lbs each week One month 8lbs 2 months new man .
I'm a pretty fast rider n the track( if I don't mind saying so myself ) , but always been a bit heavy and now with the new blade I said I want to get myself into shape and kick some a*se( or see if I can kick some )…… I actually quite enjoy it, got a fitness test this arvo to see what my fitness level is, and will get a new one done in the new year to see progress…. For putting on weight Justm&mbike Creatine: Side Effects, What It Is, What It Does | Men's Health
Prob with creatine skip is you have to use it with a very strict training - weight lifting - plan! Seen so many people gulp this and have completely the wrong effect. It allows you to train harder as it gives you energy and helps you recover easier and it's the recovery process after lifting weights that bulks you up. You basically tear your muscles lifting weights and they repair stronger and bigger. Great if done properly. If not you just get fatter
very true Jimbo, should have put it there, but he wants to put on weight, so a bit of love handles here and there and he'll weight another 15kg…. I know plenty here tht use it, also plenty that did use it while hitting the weights and now they have stopped, it's just extra fat that they can't get rid of…..
Spot on James. My lad uses the stuff along with other supplements but he is in the gym at least 5 days a week and on a very strict diet that also seems to involve copious amounts of Guinness. He is not as big as our old friend Ben the Pig but he is getting there. As Jimbo said it's all about the recovery process that puts on the muscle.
No worries skippy, your bang on, but seen a few use it incorrectly... Used to be in the gym a lot when I was younger, I put on weight real easy if not careful with diet but also bulk easy if I lift weights, has an effect in a few weeks so never used it but know loads that have, like I say, great if used to enhance TRAINING but not a magic powder people think it is .. These days isn't what the desired effect as I'd rather be leaner and fitter. But not my natural make up ha ha So bit of running, and the mountain bike if I do pull my finger out lol
I used creatine in the gym and found it's main effect was to allow you to train that 15-20% more than you could usually. So it only really works if you push past your natural limit. So if you train for an hour usually then start taking creatine and still only train for an hour you won't really see any benefits. A lot of people use fat burners if they wanna cut down on weight. But the best way IMO is to regulate your diet, don't eat high energy foods for evening meals, avoid pasta etc after lunch and cheese is as good as ice cream....
Today is he first time in 6 months plus that I have been able to re out of my right eye. You just cannot imagine how poor my right sight was. And how much better it is today computed to yesterday