What tyres RR4

Discussion in 'Maintenance' started by Rr-Len, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Warren

    Warren New Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Don't know about the hugger clearance to be honest, I found this link for you... http://www.sportrider.com/five-percent-difference

    and I read this on a Yam forum which you might find useful ;)....

    Originally Posted by blacknzr1 [​IMG]
    i was reading of a guy with a 07 r1 who claims a 190/55 rear tyre gave him a lot more grip over his stock 190/50 rear tyre.
    im not sure what to make of that statement, weather its true or not...
    has anybody else done this??
    what do you think??
    MY .02:

    The 190/50 is going to have the same CONTACT patch as the 190/55. The grip part is going to come the tyre compound itself!

    The 190/55 is a taller tyre than the 190/50, this just allows you to turn in quicker.

    Will you benifit from a 190/55, yes. It is cost effective for the street? Depends on your taste. Most likely you or your buddy won't use the potential of a 190/55 vice a 190/50 on the street anyway.

    As for your buddy having more grip because of the tyre size - not so much as the compound.

    Also running a taller tyre will change your geometry - so look at resetting your suspension.
  2. SimonRR

    SimonRR God Like

    Jun 11, 2012
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    Taller tyres have a larger contact patch at lean, also tip in better, hence a lot of rear slicks are a larger profile
  3. BoroRich

    BoroRich Elite Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    I can only share my experience.

    When I switched to a 55 profile, the bike just felt much more nimble and a bit more planted on lean. I was well happy with my choice to switch.
  4. rickross

    rickross New Member

    Apr 25, 2015
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    Maxxis Diamond 190 55
    I have done 6k miles already and will use for another 2k.
    Much difference comparing to size 50 and I can get them for £139 pair.
    No need to buy dunlops bridgestones or pirelli.

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