What would you do? - robbers smash way into home in Manchester

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Alblade, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. ShinySideUp

    ShinySideUp Elite Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Giv, I think Si miss typed he meant to say they fell off the roof........how they all fell off one after another is.........! :D
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  2. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    F..cking pond life, what really wound me up was the fact they stole the poor f..ckers lid and leathers!
    Just goes to show you can have the best security money can buy, but when this scum come knocking what are you really gonna do about it? Even if you get the chance to climb out of bed all sleepy eyed to confront them. :mad:

    SIDEWAYS Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
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    Well as a gun owner the dog Weimaraner would buy me time.She is very protective of the family.I do have some nasty things hidden in places as well as the guns I keep upstairs.Would I use them of course I would because if they do you once you are then a target when they feel like it.The family don't know of most of the gear except the guns.
    TBH I don't get trouble cos I know the trouble people.They have tested me when I came to Sittingbourne and am respected by the majority.I've had stock nicked from my shop, the lads told me who they were and they were dealt with by me.Most of the nasty lot are my customers, so I 'm looked after in a way.
    Not been in a fight or flight situation with the wife n kids so I don't know how I'd react.If I'm angry then god help em.If I'm frightened then they can have whats mine cos its all insured.
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  4. GaryS

    GaryS Active Member

    May 25, 2013
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    What i did

    Back in 97, I dropped my blade off for a service, thats the link to the forem (bit tenuous )to be collected later from the dealership. They said it was unlikely to be ready that night so I got the train into town. I worked late and decided on a taxi home. As i went by the chippy I saw they were just about to close so I asked the cabbie to stop and I decided to eat supper walking the last half mile. I cut through an alley and saw 3 lads (two white one black )sitting at the bottom of a set of stairs by Streatham BR station. As I walked by them I thought they looked wrong together. I was looking for a bin to put the greasy papers in and walked to within a few paces of them. One of them said something I did nt hear to the others. I kept walking careful to keep exactly the same pace. About 2 mins later I heard what sounded like trainers running behind me but at a jogging kind of pace. I glanced back and just at that moment a guy passed me and diappeared round the corner half way down the alley. It was dark,with a lamp every 25 or so yards. The station platforms were empty on the other side of the wire fence. As he jogged on I thought it was one of the guys but wasnt sure. When I rounded the bend, he was standing in front of me. He told me to hand over my wallet and briefcase. I've lived in London all my life and never experienced a street mugging. I remember being told if I got into a situation like that to make a choice to self preserve by complying or to say something unusual that distracts the potential assailant for a split second and decide if you can get a decisive blow in first. I could nt think of anything to say but I noticed he had got in too close. I managed to nut him on the bridge of the nose, it was a very lucky shot, but he seemed to slide down me and hold my legs in a rugby-style grip. With a soft briefcase in one hand and a broken pair of glasses in the other I could nt decide what to do next. I couldnt move. I heard footsteps behind me and turned. I felt what seemed like slaps to my back. I tried to turn and saw a flash under the sole street light. I remember a brief tussle with the other two, but I dont think I got much in, then falling over. There was a lot of shouting. I got loose and turned and ran and heard what sounded like one guy just behind me. I got to the end of the alley and turned to face him.He stared at me, I remember thinking-what? He called me an f'ing c and walked a few steps backwards, I noticed I had dropped my mobile and he picked it up. I felt a dampness and a dizziness. I kept walking backwards. I saw the row of houses to my left and made for a front fence. I tried to vault over it but my knees gave way. I probably should have walked through the gate really.My briefcase slipped out of my hand and I saw blood, lots of it everywhere.I remember knocking frantically on the nearest door, I remember kicking the door and a light come on inside. I saw 2 of the 3 guys running down the alley and away.
    The next thing I recall was looking up at overhead lights. There was a copper over me asking questions. Apparently I described one of them a tall bloke in army greens about 5ft 5". A black bloke with locks and a number one crop and a white bloke with a gold tooth and a cap that changed colour every time they asked me. I was in adrenalin over-drive. And that was before the pain killers kicked in. I ended up being stitched in hospital, they said I had told them about the phone but could nt get the number consistent. The A and E doc said it was a Stanley gash and missed my jugular by millimetres. They did pick up a guy later with a phone with blood on it but he did nt match my mash-up descriptions or phone numbers so they let him go. Idiots.It became an attempted murder-unsolved. I got this scar. I had £8 thirty odd pence in cash and a few cards plus and some work papers on me. The back of my jacket through to my shirt was slashed to ribbons, but not a scratch on the skin.I'd like to think I would always have reacted like that but it was a split second decision. Dont honestly know if I would again. The scar was quite cool (especially with the ladies ) when I was younger and it makes a good conversation starter but people seem to assume its the result of some type of thyroid op. now Im older. My family were angry I had nt handed my wallet over as it was a close thing. Its not like I was defending my home or kids. And I dont think Im a have a go hero either.I did get £3k from the Criminal Injuries Board a year later. Going out at night was hard for a while. Wankers.

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  5. Alblade

    Alblade God Like

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Interesting to hear from the side of someone who 'had a go' with what happened and how close it got.

    There have been no updates on this which is odd, I was expecting bike to turn up burnt out with lid and leathers also destroyed to those who did it have no evidence left at home
  6. Gilesy

    Gilesy Elite Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    thanks for sharing that story Gary.. scary as hell
  7. red5

    red5 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Jeez that's some story Gary glad you lived to tell it, when I was younger I reckon I would have done exactly as you did. Today with a wiser head on my shoulders I would want to remove myself from that situation as fast as poss.
  8. lambchops

    lambchops Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2013
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    Amazing story Gary sounds like a close call! Thank god they only had Stanley knives and nothing bigger.

    I guess fully extended a Stanley is pretty big though..

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