Young pillion riders

Discussion in 'General 1000RR Discussion' started by Blade1000man, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. thezipsteruk

    thezipsteruk Elite Member

    Aug 12, 2012
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    I feel your pain matey!
    I have been giving my little lad 'Max' rides (its my only transport) since he was 6!!
    I was shitting a brick at first, I already had a Rossi replica AGV lid from my eldest, so set about buying the rest of the gear from ebay (its not worth buying new as kids gear is barely used before they've outgrown it).
    Get them to hold/cuddle you and not the grab rail/holes, then you can feel when they have hold properly. Obviously you ride like a complete granny when they are on the back until you feel confident that they understand the importance of safety and holding on.
    Youll be surprised how their survival instinct kicks in and they are quite secure. you only have to travel slowly at fierst as it will seem fast to me its not long before they try making you go faster (lower gear same speed is a good trick btw).
    I know a young lady who pillioned her kiddie and as an extra precaution she put a bungie round him and her!!??
    There is a picture of my Max on this forum coming back from the air ambulance run last year.

    One thing I know for sure is that his daddy is the coolest at school, and he loves every minute on the bike.
    Just remember thats your flesh and blood and that is more than enough for you to be 4 times as vigilant and ride defensively.

    I do wish he would take his crash helmet off in the playground on the odd occasion i give him a lift to school :) its hysterical.

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  2. phantom

    phantom Active Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    my lass is nine and my lad is turning seven but I worry about bringing them out
    around here as the level of driving skills is getting lower around here and I would
    hate to get rear ended or something with them on behind.
    suppose its being a hypocrite as my dad had me on the back of his katana when
    I was six.
  3. The.kickboxer

    The.kickboxer Active Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Hippo Critter!
  4. Island Rider

    Island Rider New Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    My son is 6 and wants to go with me but both me and the wife are scared about it, so far he has been on the back of my XR 125cc and just doing circles on our drive but now i have the blade, he wants me to buy him a helmet so he can come riding with me.....i would obviously buy the full kit for him as well, but im not 100% sure as i just passed in August and only getting the blade, so need to learn...have been telling him when dads better i'll take him on the hoping when next season comes around he might have lost interest or i have the confidence to take him.

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